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Copyright Yann Arthus-Bertrand/Altitude

Conference/Debate & Photo exhibition: Tackling climate change for greener growth

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Date(s) - 22/05/2015
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Alliance Française de Pondichéry



Tackling climate change for greener growth: global endeavour, local solutions »

 The conference will aim at outlining the main objectives of the COP21 conference to be held in Paris in December. In this view, contributions from all stakeholders, including civil societies, businesses and the scientific community are essential to the success of the Paris Conference. The panel discussion will also aim at bringing about ideas, if possible out of the box, and initiatives taken in India, including bilateral and multilateral cooperation. The specific achievements of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry will contribute to illustrate these initiatives.


3:00 – 3:05Welcome addressMr. Olivier LITVINE, Director, Alliance Francaise, Pondichéry
3:05 – 3:15Introductory remarksMr. Francois RICHIER, French Ambassador to India
3:15 – 3:30Reconciling climate and development: some AFD projectsMs. Aude FLOGNY, Regional Director for South Asia, French Development Agency (AFD)
3:30 – 3:45Monitoring forest carbon in the tropicsMr. Maxime REJOU, researcher, French Institute of Pondicherry (IFP)
3:45 – 4:00Stewardship for sustainable development of the bioregionMr. Probir BANERJEE, President, PondyCAN
4:00 – 4:15The RISK approach to climate changeMr. Meenakshi KUMAR, Industrialist
4:15 – 4:45Debate Moderated by Mr. François MUNOZ, Head of Ecology Department, French Institute of Pondicherry (IFP)

@ Alliance française Auditorium – 58 Suffren St

Bangladesh_couv du livre_∏Yann Arthus-Bertrand-Altitude

Flood in Bangladesh. Copyright Yann Arthus-Bertrand/Altitude

Photographic exhibition

“60 solutions against climate change”

 The conference is organized in partnership with the Alliance française de Pondichéry and Institut Français de Pondichéry along with the inauguration of a photographic exhibition by Yann Arthus-Bertrand entitled, “60 solutions against climate change”, which is sponsored by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and Fondation Good Planet.


5:00 – 5:15Welcome addressInauguration of the exhibitionMr. Lalit VERMA, President, Alliance française, PondichéryMr. Francois RICHIER, French Ambassador to India
5:15 – 6 :00Refreshments

@ Françoise L’Hernault Gallery, Maison Colombani – 37 Dumas St.

A problem without a solution is a poorly stated problem, said Albert Einstein. Contrary to what many people think, global warming is not merely a problem, it is also a flurry of solutions and opportunities that have already pooped out from civil society, from corporations, from institutions and from individuals as well. Some are well known, others less so; some are surprising, others are expected; some will have a global impact, others are of symbolic order; some are local, others will have a planetary reach.

Most of them allow to face climate change, but they also provide a string of side benefits, as they are called. They allow us to strengthen society and to favour a development respectful of the environment and of men and women. The Good Planet Foundation has selected the most interesting ones, together with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD). Some are displayed here today, all of them were compiled into a book and a website “60 solutions”. We hope that these examples will inspire you, whether you are a citizen or a decision maker. With this initiative, we wish to contribute to stimulate change, as it is greatly needed to make our planet a better place to live together. See →

 About COP 21

 The 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 21), will be held on 11 December 2015 in Paris bringing together around 40,000 participants. The stakes are high: the aim is to reach – for the first time – a universal, legally binding agreement that will enable us to combat climate change effectively and boost the transition towards resilient, low-carbon societies and economies in order to limit global warming to below 2°C and societies’ adaptation to existing climate change. See →

Femmes portant des seaux en pays dogon près de Bandiagara, Mali (14°20’ N – 3°37’ O).  Women carrying buckets in the Dogon region near Bandiagara, Mali  (14°20’ N, 3°37’ W).
Women carrying buckets in the Dogon region near Bandiagara, Mali (14°20’ N, 3°37’ W). Copyright Yann Arthus-Bertrand/Altitude

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